On a quintessentially sunny day in LA, we started by acknowledging a fundamental truth: As the lines between work, home, and play blur, designing spaces that support a holistic lifestyle is important. While spaces were once designed for one specific use, companies must now incorporate strategy-informed design to support the fluidity of people’s lives.
With that fact as a launching pad, and with a full house in attendance, the panelists shared key insights they’d pulled from decades of experience in workplace, hospitality, and fitness-center design. They looked toward the future, considering a few more big questions: What will the key places of our lives look and feel like ten years from now? What must spaces do to continually engage and inspire us? How can they actually build brand loyalty and even contribute to our sense of identity? How will they create the connected experiences we all crave, and how will our lives be better for it?
The panelists shared the ways their particular companies have started to tackle these complex design questions. In many cases, they’ve actually redefined environments through the connection between space and strategy — not only helping their people to thrive but also elevating their brand in the process.
The discussion and ensuing Q&A was lively, engaging, and insightful. Watch it below.
Moderator: David Galullo – CEO and Chief Creative Officer at Rapt Studio
- Kelly Sawdon – Chief Brand Officer, Ace Hotel
- Tim Cowell – Director of Workplace Experience, Headspace
- Jon Goss – Chief Commercial Officer, NeueHouse
- R.G. Kahoe – Project Executive for Real Estate and Workplace Services, Google
- Sebastian Schoepe – President, 1Up Fitness